SPEAKITALY NYC - Cancellation Policy Children Summer Camp 2023 (rev.7/2023)


Speakitaly NYC is not responsible for providing make-ups or issuing refunds for camp days missed as a result of vacation plans, scheduling conflicts, illness, emergencies, or other events beyond our control. There are no pro-rated fees for campers arriving after the start of the session or leaving before session completion.

CANCELLATION POLICY: All sales are final.  100% refundable up to 10 business days after enrollment minus a $99 restocking fee. If after attending the first class, your child needs to withdraw from the group, There are no refunds or transfer of funds for other Summer Camp days or Speakitaly NYC programs. If Speakitaly cancels a program due to low enrollment, a full monetary refund will be provided unless the parent or guardian agrees in receiving school credits. Such cancellation notice will be received at least a week prior to the beginning of the week.

LATE FEE: For each child signed out after the program's end time, the parent/guardian will be charged a late fee of $5.00. The parent/guardian will be charged an additional $1.00 for every minute after the initial 15 minutes for each child. A late fee must be paid for a child to continue in the program.

RULES AND DISCIPLINARY: SpeakItaly NYC is committed to providing an environment that fosters the physical and emotional well-being of all program participants. Creating a safe, enjoyable environment is the responsibility of Speakitaly NYC staff as well as program participants, and families. Discipline Actions are limited to verbal warnings, individual counseling, time out, and parent contact. Most discipline issues are minor and are easily resolved by the staff, the child, and parents. However, serious infractions may result in immediate suspension or termination from the program. Examples include but aren’t limited to intentionally threatening/hurting others. Our discipline actions are meant to provide opportunities for children to learn responsibility and concern for others. All program sites are violence-free. We expect all staff members, program participants, and families to be respectful of others and the property of others.

PHOTO AND RELEASE: I hereby, grant and authorize Speakitaly NYC the right to take, edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, distribute and make use of any picture or video taken of me (or my child, if minor) to be used in and/or for any lawful purpose. This authorization extends to all media, formats, and markets that are now known or later discovered. This authorization shall continue indefinitely unless I otherwise revoke this authorization in writing.

FIELD TRIP WAIVER: SpeakItaly NYC will provide reasonable supervision of the participants within its care and control. The supervision will be appropriate for the ages of the participants, but Speakitaly NYC is not an insurer of the safety of any participants, nor can it supervise all movements of all participants at all times. There are certain risks in walking to the destination and being at the final destination. I agree that no employee or volunteer has any personal liability unless he or she has acted recklessly, wantonly, or intentionally injured my child.


By agreeing to this Consent, Waiver, and Release (“Release”), I acknowledge and agree to the following on behalf of myself and the minor student named in the agreement (“Student”), the Student’s other parents/guardians, and other members of my household(s) (collectively, “we,” “us,” or “our”):
Right to Waive: I have the right and ability to enter into this Release and to waive all of our rights and legal claims against Speakitaly NYC LLC, doing business as Speakitaly NYC, and its owners, officers, members, managers, affiliates, agents and all members of its staff, whether contracted or employed on behalf of us. I have confirmed the foregoing with any and all relevant persons, including the Student’s other parents/guardians.
Risks Associated with Cooking Activities: We understand that although Speakitaly NYC prioritizes safety for its students, participation in the cooking classes and other activities hosted by Speakitaly NYC (the “Activities”) involves an inherent risk of injury and illness including cuts, falls, burns, allergic reactions, and other risks associated with preparing and consuming food. We further understand that the Activities include food preparation, which will require the use of potentially dangerous kitchen equipment such as knives, electric mixers, blenders, electric stoves, microwave ovens, conventional ovens, etc., and that other children or adults will be present during the Activities and working with the same equipment. We elect to allow the Student to participate in these Activities and assume full responsibility for any loss, property damage or personal injury that we or our property may sustain as a result of the Student’s being engaged in such Activities, whether caused by the negligence of Speakitaly NYC or otherwise. We acknowledge that we know of no medical reason why the Student should not participate in the Activities, including, but not limited to food allergies or sensitivities of the Student or anyone in our household(s). In the event of an emergency, we give our consent to Speakitaly NYC to provide medical care to the Student or us, and to give authority to any emergency personnel to render immediate aid.
Grant of Rights: We irrevocably grant to SPEAKITALY NYC and their licensees, successors, and assign all rights and consent to copyright, use, re-use, publish or re-publish, copy, exhibit, or distribute the still or motion photographs or film taken of me or the Student including my or the Student’s voice, picture, portrait and likeness (the “Images”) in any and all media whether now known or hereafter devised, and for any use whatsoever (except illegal or pornographic), including without limitation educational, training, advertising, trade and promotion, in perpetuity and without compensation. We agree that no advertisement, product, replication of the Images or other material need be submitted to us for any further approval and SPEAKITALY NYC shall be without liability to us or the Student for any distortion or illusionary effect or adverse result to any of us or the Student on account of the use, publication, distribution or broadcast of the Images. We agree that the Images may be combined with other material and may be cropped, altered or modified in any manner whatsoever.
Image Release: We release, discharge and agree to hold harmless SPEAKITALY NYC from any liability arising out of or in connection with the use, publication, distribution or broadcast of the Images, including any and all claims for defamation and or invasion of privacy or publicity. We acknowledge that SPEAKITALY NYC is not responsible or liable for any unauthorized use, or piracy of the Images.
I warrant that I am the parent and/or legal guardian of the above-named Student, and have full authority to authorize this Release which we have read and approved. We hereby release and agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless SPEAKITALY NYC from and against any and all liability, including any that arises from my inaccurate agreement to the Right to Waive section above, or any other provision of this Release.
We agree that all disputes, controversies, or claims against SPEAKITALY NYC and/or arising from this Release shall be submitted to binding arbitration and decided on an individual basis, and not on a class-wide or multiple plaintiff basis or in an action where any of the parties to this Release acts in a representative capacity, unless prohibited by law. Any such arbitration shall be filed with the American Arbitration Association in accordance with its Consumer Arbitration Rules. It is understood that any such arbitration will be final and binding and that by agreeing to arbitration, we are waiving the right to seek remedies in court, including the right to a jury trial. We waive, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any right we may have to a trial by jury in any legal proceeding directly or indirectly arising out of or relating to this Release, whether based in contract, tort, statute (including any federal or state statute, law, ordinance or regulation), or any other legal theory. It is expressly understood and agreed that: a party’s right to appeal or vacate, or seek modification of, the arbitration award, is strictly limited by law. Questions regarding the enforceability and scope of this arbitration provision will be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the U.S. Federal Arbitration Act. Otherwise, the terms of this Release shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, any arbitration will take place in New York or Kings County, NY. It is acknowledged and agreed that in any such arbitration, each party will be solely responsible for payment of his/her/its own counsel fees, with the costs of arbitration borne equally by the parties.
By signing this Release, I acknowledge that we have carefully read this Release and fully understand its contents. We are aware that this is a release of liability and a contract between myself, including on behalf of the Student, the Student’s other parents/guardians and other members of our household(s) on the one hand, and SPEAKITALY NYC on the other. We understand that we have the right to have attorneys of our choosing review and advise us as to the terms and conditions of this Release. We acknowledge that this Release constitutes the complete understanding between us and TDS, and supersedes any and all agreements, understandings, and discussions, whether written or oral, between us, including on behalf of the Student, and SPEAKITALY NYC. In the event any provision or part of this Release is found to be invalid or unenforceable, only that particular provision or part so found, and not the entire Release, will be inoperative. No other promises or agreements shall be binding unless in writing and signed by both me and SPEAKITALY NYC after the date of this Release.



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Signed by Maria Raffaella Galliani
Signed On: 5 July 2023

Signature Certificate
Document name: SPEAKITALY NYC - Cancellation Policy Children Summer Camp 2023 (rev.7/2023)
lock iconUnique Document ID: 57eefebafb85629db5fd8f835c2db2b68a08665f
Timestamp Audit
14 March 2022 16:57 ESTSPEAKITALY NYC - Cancellation Policy Children Summer Camp 2023 (rev.7/2023) Uploaded by Maria Raffaella Galliani - info@speakitalynyc.com IP