Terms & Conditions for Services
- Level A1.1 & A1.1 Plus: All requests for a full refund for group courses/classes (minus a non-refundable fee of $50) must be submitted to SpeakItaly NYC by email and be received at least 10 business days before the scheduled first day of class. If the request is made within the terms, a prorated monetary refund will be credited to the card used upon enrollment. No refund is allowed if the request is received outside of these terms.
- If after attending the first class, you need to withdraw from the group, we can give you a credit for the remaining classes to use for another group class within 90 days, only when and if the group remains with a minimum number of four students in the class. Such requests can be accepted only if received by email no later than 6 days after the first class. No refund is given after the first class or for missed classes under any circumstances.
- All other levels (other than A1.1): If you are a current student and your attendance is confirmed by phone or by email authorizing payment, no refund is allowed in any circumstance IF notified after 24 hours of said confirmation/enrollment.
- If you are a new student and right after attending the first class you need to withdraw from the group, we can give you a credit for the remaining classes to use for another group class within 90 days, only when and if the group remains with a minimum number of three students in the class. No refund is given for missed classes under any circumstances.
- We may reschedule the start date of a course if we haven’t reached the minimum number of three students or decide to shorten the class by 30 minutes to avoid canceling the course altogether.. You will always be informed of the change. If you sign up for a group course in which only one or two students remain for any given reason after 3 times in a row, the class will change to 1 hour (for 90-minute groups) or 1h30 (for 120-minute groups) as the curriculum to cover will be completed in less time.
- SpeakItaly NYC reserves the right to reassign teachers after a course has started if unforeseen circumstances occur. If a teacher resigns, students are not allowed to request a refund nor they can entertain any paid teaching relationship with such teacher as he/she is bound by a non-compete agreement with SpeakItaly NYC
- If you purchase a course/class for another person, you are the person who holds responsibility on behalf of such a person.
- Speakitaly reserves the right to cancel a student’s enrollment if their behavior is not considered proper or safe for both attendees and the teacher.
- IN-PERSON CLASSES: Please arrive 10 minutes before your class and no later than 10 minutes after the starting time to avoid interruptions during class. Once the teacher is with the group, we can’t guarantee that she/he will be able to hear the doorbell. If you know you will be running late, please let her/him know beforehand.
- ONLINE CLASSES: No attendees other than the registered student are allowed during the lesson
- All online classes will be recorded to benefit students who cannot attend. These recordings will be shared exclusively with the enrolled students who missed the class and will be available up to 7 days after the class upon written email to recordings@speakitalynyc.com. By participating in the online classes, you consent to the recording of the sessions and understand that these recordings will be made available to other students for educational purposes only. The recordings are intended solely for the students’ use and shall not be distributed or shared outside of this context.
- PACKAGES RENEWAL: Please be aware that all renewals for private class packages and group courses made by email or phone are subject to the cancellation policy signed upon enrollment.
- If a student transfers to a different course or service, whether initiated by us or upon the student’s request, it is understood that the same terms and conditions remain applicable. This includes all provisions, rights, and obligations outlined in the original terms and conditions, even if not explicitly mentioned in the transfer agreement. By proceeding with the transfer, the student acknowledges and agrees to abide by the existing terms and conditions.
- The makeup classes offered with the purchase of a full-term group course (or a minimum of 6 single classes) are redeemable only when a class is missed. For each missed class the student is entitled to 30 min complimentary class, up to 2 classes max (Level A1.1), and 45 min complimentary class, up to 2 classes max (Level A1.2-C1)) Additional make up time can be purchased separately. These minutes cannot be used for subsequent terms and must be scheduled and completed within the current term. If a student doesn’t miss a class, this additional time cannot be requested. These makeup classes will be conducted online and must be scheduled between 9 AM and 5 PM, Monday to Friday, with a teacher assigned by SpeakItaly NYC.
The completion of the 8 and 10 week program for group classes does not guarantee the automatic passage to the next level as this is related to several factors such as the ability to speak, to write, and navigate grammar topics, for the whole group or for a single student. At the end of each term, our team will check and reassign the level when needed.
- The calendar for group classes is shared and agreed upon enrollment. Sessions are not necessarily consecutive and may vary depending on staff availability and/or emergencies.
- All sales are final for products on weekly or seasonal promotions.
- Every enrollment for courses higher than A1.1 are subject to approval via placement test.
1) Private packages are refundable only if the request is received within 24 hours of purchase. The starting date must be no later than 6 months from purchase.
2) Private class packages must be used within 6 months from purchase or the last attended class. If classes are suspended by the student for any reason for longer than 60 days, or if you cancel 3 consecutive classes, Speakitaly NYC reserves the right to reassign teachers and time slots. No refund is allowed in any circumstance.
3) The fee for private lessons is charged in full if cancellation is made less than 36 (thirtysix) hours in advance. Your cancellation must be received during business hours (Mon-Frid 9AM to 7PM) to be considered, this means that for weekend classes, a 62 (sixtytwo) hour advance notice is required.
4) Speakitaly NYC reserves the right to reassign teachers after a set of classes has started if unforeseen circumstances occur. If a teacher resigns students are not allowed to request a refund nor they can entertain any paid teaching relationship with such teacher as he/she is bound by a non-compete agreement with SpeakItaly NYC.
5) If you don’t like your first class, we will assign you a new teacher and waive that class. We allow up to two changes of teachers.
6) If you arrive late, the teacher will still need to end your class at the time previously scheduled.
7) ONLINE CLASSES: No attendees other than the registered student are allowed during the lesson.
8) PACKAGES RENEWAL: Please be aware that all renewals for private class packages and group courses made by email or phone are subject to the cancellation policy signed upon enrollment.
9) If a student transfers to a different course or service, whether initiated by us or upon the student’s request, it is understood that the same terms and conditions remain applicable. This includes all provisions, rights, and obligations outlined in the original terms and conditions, even if not explicitly mentioned in the transfer agreement. By proceeding with the transfer, the student acknowledges and agrees to abide by the existing terms and conditions.
10) For Semi-private classes, both parties must agree to the schedule before the beginning of the package. If any change is needed because one or both students cannot attend a specific date, the class can be added to the end of the package or rescheduled to another date only if agreed by both parties. The 36 hour cancellation policy remains in effect.
11) All sales are final for products on weekly or seasonal promotions.
Speakitaly NYC neither provides nor condones alcoholic beverages on its premises, nor can be expected to monitor its consumption. Accordingly, subscribing registrants agree not to seek to hold Speakitaly NYC LLC accountable for any injuries, even arguably sustained, caused by the consumption of alcoholic beverages before coming to our premises and when attending a class on our premises. I am responsible for all my actions and I fully understand that I am giving up substantial rights including the right to sue. I acknowledge that I am signing the agreement freely and voluntarily and intend by my signature below to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law.
1) Private classes on demand is a monthly subscription to online ONLY private lessons that are customized for your learning goals and taught by one of our instructors.
Private classes on demand is a monthly subscription to online ONLY private lessons that are customized for your learning goals and taught by one of our instructors.
- The monthly subscription gives you access to 1, 4, or hours of private online lessons per billing cycle, as well as all the material needed. Your subscription will auto-renew every billing cycle.
- A billing cycle is defined as the time between the end of one billing date to the next billing date. You’ll have an “anchor date”, which is the day that your first subscription or package purchase was made. Your subscription is renewed on every anchor date of a new month. For example, if you purchased your monthly subscription on January 15th, your subsequent charges will be made every month on the 15th.
- Monthly subscription hours do not roll over and must be used within the billing cycle month so be sure to use up all your hours in any given month. You can upgrade or downgrade your plan within 48 hours from your next billing cycle.
- Your commitment is monthly and you can cancel your subscription any time before your next billing date by emailing us at info@speakitalynyc.com. No refund will be allowed for missed classes during a billing cycle.
- Classes must be booked within 36 hours from the class date by emailing us at info@spesakitalynyc.com.
- Choice of the instructor for your class is not permitted. You will be assigned the first instructor available for the day/time you chose.
- NO refund is allowed in any circumstance.
SpeakItaly NYC is committed to providing an environment that fosters the physical and emotional well-being of all program participants. Creating a safe, enjoyable environment is the responsibility of Speakitaly NYC staff as well as program participants, and families. Discipline Actions are limited to verbal warnings, individual counseling, time out, and parent contact. Most discipline issues are minor and are easily resolved by the staff, the child, and the parents. However, serious infractions may result in immediate suspension or termination from the program. Examples include but aren’t limited to intentionally threatening/hurting others. Our discipline actions are meant to provide opportunities for children to learn responsibility and concern for others. All program sites are violence-free. We expect all staff members, program participants, and families to be respectful of others and the property of others.
100% refundable up to 10 business days after enrollment minus a $99 restocking fee. If after attending the first class, your child needs to withdraw from the group, No refund is allowed if the request is received outside of these terms. If after attending the first class, your child needs to withdraw from the group, we can give you a credit for the remaining classes to use for another group course within 90 days, only when and if the group remains with a minimum number of three students in the class. No refund is given after the first class or for missed classes under any circumstances.
In case your child, after attending the first class, needs to withdraw from the group for medical reasons or a proven emergency, we can give you a credit for the remaining classes to use for another group course for the following term, only when and if the group remains with a minimum number of three students in the class.
SpeakItaly NYC reserves the right to reassign teachers after a course has started if unforeseen circumstances occur. If a teacher resigns, students are not allowed to request a refund nor they can entertain any paid teaching relationship with such teacher as he/she is bound by a non-compete agreement with SpeakItaly NYC
ONLINE CLASSES: No attendees other than the registered student are allowed during the lesson.
PACKAGES RENEWAL: Please be aware that all renewals for private or group classes made by email or phone are binding and subject to the cancellation policy signed upon enrollment and to the most updated one that is online at www.speakitalynyc.com
IN PERSON CLASSES: Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your class and no later than 10 minutes after the starting time to avoid interruptions during class. We can’t guarantee that she/he will be able to hear the doorbell afterward. If you know you will be running late, please let her/him know beforehand.
The starting date of a package must be no later than 6 months from purchase. Private packages expire after 6 months from purchase. No refund is allowed in any circumstance.
The fee for private lessons is charged in full if cancellation is made less than 36 hours in advance. Your cancellation must be received during business hours (9AM to 7PM) in order to be considered. We may decide to waive one late cancellation as a courtesy if a medical reason occurred.
If your child doesn’t like the first class, we will assign a new teacher and waive that class. We allow up to two changes of teachers.
If you arrive late, the teacher will still need to end your class at the time previously scheduled.
If classes are suspended by the student for any reason for longer than 60 days, or if you cancel 3 consecutive classes, Speakitaly NYC reserves the right to reassign teachers and time slots.
SpeakItaly NYC reserves the right to reassign teachers after a course has started if unforeseen circumstances occur. If a teacher resigns, students are not allowed to request a refund nor they can entertain any paid teaching relationship with such teacher as he/she is bound by a non-compete agreement with SpeakItaly NYC
ONLINE CLASSES: No attendees other than the registered student are allowed during the lesson.
PACKAGES RENEWAL: Please be aware that all renewals for private or group classes made by email or phone are binding and subject to the cancellation policy signed upon enrollment and to the most updated one that is online at www.speakitalynyc.com
IN PERSON CLASSES: Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your class and no later than 10 minutes after the starting time to avoid interruptions during class. We can’t guarantee that she/he will be able to hear the doorbell afterward. If you know you will be running late, please let her/him know beforehand.
SUMMER CAMP: All sales are final. There are no refunds or transfer of funds for other Summer Camp days or Speakitaly NYC programs.. If Speakitaly NYC cancels a program due to COVID, credits will be issued. If Speakitaly cancels a program due to low enrollment, a full monetary refund will be provided unless the parent or guardian agrees in receiving school credits. Such cancellation notice will be received within two weeks prior to the beginning of the week.
Speakitaly NYC is not responsible for providing make-ups or issuing refunds for camp days missed as a result of vacation plans, scheduling conflicts, illness, emergencies, or other events beyond our control. There are no prorated fees for campers arriving after the start of the session or leaving before session completion.
PACKAGES RENEWAL: Please be aware that request to add days to the enrollment made by email or phone are binding and subject to the cancellation policy signed upon enrollment and to the most updated one that is online at www.speakitalynyc.com
LATE FEE: For each child signed out after the program’s end time, the parent/guardian will be charged a late fee of $15.00. The parent/guardian will be charged an additional $1.75 for every minute after the initial 15 minutes for each child. A late fee must be paid for a child to continue in the program.
SpeakItaly NYC will provide reasonable supervision of the participants within its care and control. The supervision will be appropriate for the ages of the participants, but Speakitaly NYC is not an insurer of the safety of any participants, nor can it supervise all movements of all participants at all times. There are certain risks in walking to the destination and being at the final destination. I agree that no employee or volunteer has any personal liability unless he or she has acted recklessly, wantonly, or intentionally injure my child.
USE OF SUNSCREEN: Parents are strongly encouraged to apply sunscreen in the morning before dropping their children off at camp. Speakitaly NYC is not responsible if your child gets sunburnt
Tickets are non refundable nor exchangeable to other dates or Speakitaly NYC’s events. They are transferable to another attendee.
If the event is outside or the weather does not permit (NYS declares state of emergency) you will be given an option to reschedule. NO refunds allowed under any circumstances.
COOKING CLASS: We understand that although Speakitaly NYC prioritizes safety for its students, participation in the cooking classes and other activities hosted by Speakitaly NYC (the “Activities”) involves an inherent risk of injury and illness including cuts, falls, burns, allergic reactions, and other risks associated with preparing and consuming food. We further understand that the Activities may include food preparation, which will require the use of potentially dangerous kitchen equipment such as knives (safety knives where practicable), electric mixers, blenders, gas or electric stoves (induction burners where practicable), microwave ovens, conventional ovens, etc., and that other children or adults will be present during the Activities and working with the same equipment. We elect to allow the Student to participate in these activities and assume full responsibility for any loss, property damage or personal injury that we or our property may sustain as a result of the Student’s being engaged in such activities, whether caused by the negligence of Speakitaly NYC or otherwise. We acknowledge that we know of no medical reason why the student should not participate in the Activities, including, but not limited to food allergies or sensitivities of the Student or anyone in our household(s). In the event of an emergency, we give our consent to Speakitaly NYC to provide medical care to the Student or us, and to give authority to any emergency personnel to render immediate aid. I fully agree with the terms and conditions above.
NYC COVID-19 UPDATED GUIDANCE to ensure the safety of our staff and students, Speakitaly NYC complies with the updated guidance issued by the City of New York for indoor spaces. You can review the most recent policy at nyc.gov/keytonycAs the situation continues to evolve, we reserve the right to cancel/postpone all in-person classes and activities, or to switch to virtual classrooms. No refunds are allowed for such situations.
Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your class and no later than 10 minutes after the starting time to avoid interruptions during class. Once the teacher is with the group, we can’t guarantee that she/he will be able to hear the doorbell. If you know you will be running late, please let her/him know beforehand.
For Mommy and Me class only 1 caregiver is allowed.
The Caregiver must stay during the class and look after his/her child. We have limited space and no exceptions are allowed.
Caregivers must ensure that the child is supervised and that he/she doesn’t damage SpeakItaly’s premises or dirty surfaces that will be used for the activities. No stepping on tables, window seals, sofas and benches will be tolerated.
Arrival time is 5 minutes prior to your class start time, please DO NOT arrive earlier. The teacher has other classes and you may have to wait outside. Once in the space, please wait for the teacher in our designated waiting area: please do not occupy the classroom or the kitchen.
Please be on time. On-going classes can-not be interrupted, therefore if you arrive more than 5 minutes late, you may lose your class or not be able to finish in time.
Caregivers can go in and out of the premises at any given time, if you are participating at a drop off class, you can come back for pick up only. No one can stay in the waiting area for the entire class.
The activity you signed up for only happens in one classroom or designated areas so no one is allowed in other areas.
Please hang your jackets in the designated area and don’t leave your belongings around. We are nor responsible for any loss.
If you need to change diapers, please use the bathroom. Please avoid using common areas, tables or benches: those are used by many people and therefore are not suitable for such purposes. Once done, please place the diaper in a ziplock bag and dispense it in the trash can in the kitchen.
The staff bathroom is not to be used by the public as per the sign on the door. It is a restricted area accessible by our personnel only.
If you need to have access to the kitchen for any other purpose, please ask one of our team members as that is a restricted area for staff only.
It is allowed for your child to have a snack during class and/or while waiting for their class, but please make sure to clean up after them as a courtesy to other customers coming after you. Our common areas are kept clean to ensure everyone has a pleasant experience so we kindly ask you to be mindful of that.
I hereby grant and authorize Speakitaly NYC the right to take, edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, distribute and make use of any picture or video taken of me (or my child, if minor) to be used in and/or for any lawful purpose. This authorization extends to all media, formats, and markets that are now known or later discovered. This authorization shall continue indefinitely unless I otherwise revoke this authorization in writing.
1. When a project is commissioned and paid, the order cannot be canceled unless the cancellation email is received within 15 minutes of the payment. No refund is given under any circumstances outside of this time window.
2 The commissioner is solely responsible for providing the correct documentation and he/she is also responsible to know exactly what is meant to be done in order to fulfill the purpose of the project unless the commissioner has completed a paid consultation with Speakitaly NYC’s team via phone or in person.
3. We are not responsible if the commissioner submits an old record or a wrong version of the record and the document needs to be redone/resubmitted. If a document is rejected and needs to be submitted again, the commissioner must pay for new associated fees.
4. Once the translation is completed, the commissioner is responsible for a final review before receiving a signed copy. We don’t use software, so human errors can be present.
5 Our translators must type what is in the document even when it clearly presents mistakes. No exceptions.
6. The data and documents that you provide will be used exclusively to translate and obtain documents and services related to assisting in Dual Citizenship. We will not disclose any personal information to third parties except for the agencies involved in the process such as the Italian consulate, official agencies appointed by the Italian consulates, and US governmental agencies that are the repositories of the vital record documents involved in the citizenship process. The exchange of information with said entities is generally performed via email, phone, or by upload on a secure online platform (i.e. VitalChek). Under no circumstances is your data sold to third parties or used or shared with individuals or entities not involved in the process.
7. After receiving notification that your documents are ready, we will notify you to arrange a pick-up or a shipping order. Speakitaly won’t be responsible for the loss of such documents after 5 business days unless agreed differently upon confirmation of the project. If we can’t store them and you don’t reply to us, your documentation will be mailed via regular USPS mail.
8. If you have a scheduled consultation, it can be rescheduled one time if the note is received no later than 36h before the scheduled day/time.
9. If your consultation lasts less the unused time is lost as the time was reserved. If your consultation exceeds your booked time, you will be charged for the extra minutes according to standard rates. (current rate per minute).
- For Record Search: If the information provided turns out to be incorrect SpeakItaly will bill for a new search. It is your responsibility to make sure it is all correct.
- For Record Search: the fee applies to one city only. For multiple cities, additional fees are required.
- FEE AND DATES: Cils and Celi Exam fee is non-refundable. If you have a medical emergency, we can try to submit your request to the issuing University but we cannot guarantee they will accept your request. If they do, they will allow you to register within 18 months. Such change will require you to pay a small fee imposed by the university + the cost of the center fee. In any other case, NO CHANGE of exam date is possible under any circumstances.
- REGISTRATION: The candidate is the only one responsible for providing Speakitaly NYC with the necessary forms to register for the exam as indicated on www.speakitalynyc.com secti
on Official Exam Center. The candidate is responsible for providing such documentation within 24 hours of payment. Suppose a candidate misses the exam date because their registration wasn’t completed due to lack of documentation. In that case, he/she will have the possibility to receive school credit for another session minus the exam center fee that is indicated. - THE DAY OF THE EXAM: no late entry is permitted under any circumstances.
- CERTIFICATES: We keep them for 8 weeks from receipt, after that, we are not responsible for holding on to them, and may not be available anymore once you realize you do need them for your citizenship application. Mailing costs will always be indicated in the email Speakitaly NYC sends out as soon as the certificates are in our hands.
- CAPITALIZATION: If possible, you will still have to pay the fee in full as you are occupying a seat at our center.
- Visit our website at http://www.speakitalynyc.com, or any website of ours that links to this privacy notice
- Engage with us in other related ways, including any sales, marketing, or events
- names
- phone numbers
- email addresses
- To respond to user inquiries/offer support to users. We may process your information to respond to your inquiries and solve any potential issues you might have with the requested service.
- To send administrative information to you. We may process your information to send you details about our products and services, changes to our terms and policies, and other similar information.
- To fulfill and manage your orders. We may process your information to fulfill and manage your orders, payments, returns, and exchanges made through the Services.
- To request feedback. We may process your information when necessary to request feedback and to contact you about your use of our Services.
- To send you marketing and promotional communications. We may process the personal information you send to us for our marketing purposes, if this is in accordance with your marketing preferences. You can opt out of our marketing emails at any time. For more information, see “WHAT ARE YOUR PRIVACY RIGHTS?” below).
- To protect our Services. We may process your information as part of our efforts to keep our Services safe and secure, including fraud monitoring and prevention.
- To evaluate and improve our Services, products, marketing, and your experience. We may process your information when we believe it is necessary to identify usage trends, determine the effectiveness of our promotional campaigns, and to evaluate and improve our Services, products, marketing, and your experience.
- To identify usage trends. We may process information about how you use our Services to better understand how they are being used so we can improve them.
- To determine the effectiveness of our marketing and promotional campaigns. We may process your information to better understand how to provide marketing and promotional campaigns that are most relevant to you.
- To comply with our legal obligations. We may process your information to comply with our legal obligations, respond to legal requests, and exercise, establish, or defend our legal rights.
- If collection is clearly in the interests of an individual and consent cannot be obtained in a timely way
- For investigations and fraud detection and prevention
- For business transactions provided certain conditions are met
- If it is contained in a witness statement and the collection is necessary to assess, process, or settle an insurance claim
- For identifying injured, ill, or deceased persons and communicating with next of kin
- If we have reasonable grounds to believe an individual has been, is, or may be victim of financial abuse
- If it is reasonable to expect collection and use with consent would compromise the availability or the accuracy of the information and the collection is reasonable for purposes related to investigating a breach of an agreement or a contravention of the laws of Canada or a province
- If disclosure is required to comply with a subpoena, warrant, court order, or rules of the court relating to the production of records
- If it was produced by an individual in the course of their employment, business, or profession and the collection is consistent with the purposes for which the information was produced
- If the collection is solely for journalistic, artistic, or literary purposes
- If the information is publicly available and is specified by the regulations
- Business Transfers. We may share or transfer your information in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of company assets, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business to another company.
Category | Examples | Collected |
A. Identifiers | Contact details, such as real name, alias, postal address, telephone or mobile contact number, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, and account name | YES |
B. Personal information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute | Name, contact information, education, employment, employment history, and financial information | YES |
C. Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law | Gender and date of birth | YES |
D. Commercial information | Transaction information, purchase history, financial details, and payment information | NO |
E. Biometric information | Fingerprints and voiceprints | NO |
F. Internet or other similar network activity | Browsing history, search history, online behavior, interest data, and interactions with our and other websites, applications, systems, and advertisements | NO |
G. Geolocation data | Device location | NO |
H. Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information | Images and audio, video or call recordings created in connection with our business activities | NO |
I. Professional or employment-related information | Business contact details in order to provide you our Services at a business level or job title, work history, and professional qualifications if you apply for a job with us | NO |
J. Education Information | Student records and directory information | NO |
K. Inferences drawn from other personal information | Inferences drawn from any of the collected personal information listed above to create a profile or summary about, for example, an individual’s preferences and characteristics | NO |
- Receiving help through our customer support channels;
- Participation in customer surveys or contests; and
- Facilitation in the delivery of our Services and to respond to your inquiries.
- whether we collect and use your personal information;
- the categories of personal information that we collect;
- the purposes for which the collected personal information is used;
- whether we sell your personal information to third parties;
- the categories of personal information that we sold or disclosed for a business purpose;
- the categories of third parties to whom the personal information was sold or disclosed for a business purpose; and
- the business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling personal information.
- You may object to the processing of your personal information.
- You may request correction of your personal data if it is incorrect or no longer relevant, or ask to restrict the processing of the information.
- You can designate an authorized agent to make a request under the CCPA on your behalf. We may deny a request from an authorized agent that does not submit proof that they have been validly authorized to act on your behalf in accordance with the CCPA.
- You may request to opt out from future selling of your personal information to third parties. Upon receiving an opt-out request, we will act upon the request as soon as feasibly possible, but no later than fifteen (15) days from the date of the request submission.
All sales are final. No refund is allowed on the sales of books and materials on Speakitaly NYC website.