Apply from the USA

Explore our packages for Dual Citizenship JS Services

Interested in one of our packages? Please email us for info

Executive/Full Service” Package: we’ll take care of every detail from start to finish and deliver your “Citizenship Kit” exactly as it needs to be presented to the consulate. This package includes:

  • Full assistance (beginning to end) in preparing the applicant’s file, which will be handled directly and exclusively by an Italian expert in dual citizenship;
  • Set-up and management of the applicant’s appointment with the Italian Consulate;
  • Genealogy research; 
  • Retrieval of all the records (from Italy, the U.S. and, with limitations, from other countries in the world) needed to apply for Italian citizenship;
  • Handling of the legalization process of any US record (Apostille, Emendavit etc.); 
  • Professional Engl.>Ita translations of all the records, as required by law;
  • Preparation of all the forms needed to be filed by each applicant together with his/her records (the minimum number of forms each applicant needs is 3, but in cases where several generations are involved more forms per applicant might be needed);
  • Preparation for interview at the consulate;
  • Passport application;
  • Registration with the AIRE.

Step-by-Step” Package whereby rather than retrieving all the records in the U.S. on your behalf, we guide you and walk you through the process of retrieving all the documents. We also provide guidance regarding amendments to documents, and apostilles.

In other words, rather than retrieving all the necessary records in the U.S. we will guide you and walk you through the retrieval process by providing thorough instructions via email (and telephone). This package is intended for people who have the time to handle all of the required steps in the process and who wish to be more involved in preparing their application. We will of course still procure Italian records, offer Italian translations and help you prepare your final “citizenship kit”.