Get dual Italian Citizenship Jure Sanguinis
Your roots are Italian and you are looking to become a citizen. With us, you can verify your eligibility, order Italian and US Naturalization Records, and have us prepare your documents for use in the US, a consulate abroad, or straight in Italy. Experts on lead.
Core points:
- Your Italian ancestor did not naturalize prior to the birth of his/her descendant or any of the ascendants in the direct line through which you are eligible.
- No one in your direct line has renounced their Italian citizenship.
- If your Italy-born Ancestor naturalized prior to July 1st, 1912, you do not qualify for Italian citizenship, even if his or her child was born before this individual naturalized. Before this date, when a native-born Italian naturalized in another country, he gave up not only his Italian citizenship but also that of all his minor children, regardless of where they were born. This is the law and there is no way around it.
- If your Italy-born Ancestor migrated abroad as a “minor” you most likely won’t qualify for Italian Dual Citizenship. Until 1976, the age of the majority in Italy was 21. Minors who emigrated would naturalize concurrently with their parents. If your ancestor was still a minor when his or her parent naturalized, it is likely that he or she also was naturalized at the same time. You will need to provide proof/appropriate documentation if this individual was naturalized at a later date
- If your Italian ancestor was born in the following regions: Veneto, Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, or Trentino Alto Adige, to apply for Italian citizenship, you must prove that he or she left Italy after July 16th, 1920.
- If you are applying through your maternal line, you need to know that the current law granting Italian citizenship jure sanguinis states that women could hold but not pass citizenship to children born before January 1, 1948, the date Italy became a Republic. You may file a motion to appeal the “1948 Rule” through the courts and obtain, if eligible, Italian citizenship. (Click here for info)
- If your Italian-born ancestor acquired foreign citizenship while their child (the next descendant in line) was still a minor, you will no longer be able to submit your application to an Italian consulate or Italian municipality. However, there may still be a path to apply through the Italian courts if there are extended wait times at your local Italian consulate (source: ICA).
APPOINTMENT OVERVIEW FOR NYC CONSULATE: The system of appointments for the citizenship office is done for a maximum period of 3 years, after 3 years it is not possible to make appointments, however, due to the considerable request for appointments the 3 years are practically full but at the passage of time daily it is possible to try to make an appointment for the new day that will be open. The system will show the dates in red for the days already fully booked, black for days when there is no programming, and green and orange for days where some appointments are still available. Try to go online at 6.00 p.m. sharp (midnight in Rome).