Search for Italian Vital Records

OPTION 1. You have the exact data and your record is dated 1890-1964 > The total cost to find and deliver a certificate is $250.

OPTION 2: If you have uncertain data > The total cost to find and deliver a certificate is $250.

OPTION 3. If you have exact data and your record is dated 1964 onwards > The total cost to find and deliver a certificate is $125.

Please Note: If you make a mistake with your order, you have 1 business day to provide the new info

Information Required to Begin
When you submit your request, you will be asked to provide the following details:

  • The FIRST and LAST name of the ancestor in question.
  • The DATE or DATE RANGE (not exceeding 2 years) of the birth, marriage, or death.
  • The name of the TOWN or CITY in ITALY where the birth, marriage, or death took place.
  • The names of the PARENTS are not required, but you should include them if possible.

The response time varies from city to city (over 8,000 in Italy), but in most cases, we receive requested certificates within 6-8 weeks. If there are mistakes in the information you send, we will likely receive notification of No Records Found.