AGE 0-10

Italian Music Classes Online

A series of Italian Music Lessons to guide your children through Italian most famous songs and filastrocche. Music is a fun way to engage young learners, and boost their language and social skills. With the help and support of the teacher, your child will be singing songs, make music with small instruments, and dance to classical melodies, modern favorites, and even Broadway hits.

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Our Programs

PrivateOPTION 1 (AGE 0-6)

Tuesdays 10-11AM
Full Term 19 Classes $475

(Jan 26, Feb 2-9-23, March 3-9-23-30, April 6-13-20-27, May 4-11-18-25, Jun 1-8-15)

PrivateOPTION 2 (AGE 7-10)

Wednesdays 5:30PM-6:30PM
Full Term 19 Classes $475

(Jan 27, Feb 3-10-24, March 3-10-24-31, April  7-14-21-28, May  5-12-19-26, Jun 2-9-16)

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